• 19:38 I am watching Jeopardy. Some days I do better than others. #
  • 20:17 There is nothing I want to watch on TV. Nothing catching my interest so I’m going to my old standby – HGTV. Can’t go wrong there. #
  • 22:04 I love edits and revising. Working on Plotting Spreadsheet to incorporate new ideas that have sparked. ! #amwriting. #
  • 23:30 @CandaceHavens – Would have been happy to help but have a few piles to put up myself. And have a few closets to clean out too. #
  • 23:47 I have a pile of dishes in the sink. Anyone feeling like doing them for me? #
  • 10:14 Watching "House Crashers" on diy Network. #
  • 13:12 RT @Kristen_Howe: RT @inkyelbows: 3 Stages Of Revision: Plot, Character, Prose. Natalie Whipple explains: bit.ly/8EbwS0 #
  • 13:25 @Kristen_Howe – Hi. I’m fine. And you’re welcome. #

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