So this week’s topic is – inspiration.

I get inspiration from life and watching people and how they interact. Have you ever watched people? How they talk to each other? How they react in different situations? Just from being out at the mall or at the gas stations.

I love people watching. It’s the shy girl in me. And the writer in me. I can make up a whole story for someone on just an overheard snatch of conversation. I have created characters from a small gesture between strangers.

So inspiration is everywhere.

So what do I do when I have trouble starting a project, finishing one or just writing? I do something else fun and creative. I get my mind off the stalled scene, uncooperative characters or hole-filled plot. I read a book. Watch tv. Listen to music. Do something crafty – beading, making bookmarks, making soaps, make a candle, crochet or even knit. Or I’ll clean up.

Something about not focusing on it, frees up my brain and helps me work through it because I often get an “ah ha” moment in the middle of whatever I’m doing.

And what keeps me going? My writing friends. They inspire me also. They inspire me to keep going and not give up. They inspire me to push through the doubts, fears, worries and write. They inspire me to learn, grown and keep it moving (always forward).

But not every project is a star, but I try to use everything. Even if I don’t finish something. Chances are I will use the characters, plot, setting, scene in someway in another story. Sometimes it’s a matter of right characters, wrong plot. Or right plot, wrong setting.

It’s a process. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow but always fun and interesting. And I think that helps. If it becomes boring or a chore then there is usually something wrong and I have to take a step back and analyze it. So I’ve learned that it’s okay to put it away and come back to it with fresh eyes and a fresh head.

If you want to check out what inspires some of my writing friends:

* Alexia Reed * Angeleque Ford * Kaige * Emma G. Delaney * Kimberly Farris *