Well it’s the last day of this year.

A day to reflect on my goals past and future.

Although I did not make all my goals. I did learn a lot this year.

And I am going into 2012 with a lot of support behind me, much more focus and motivation and people rooting for me. In coming up with my goals list for the coming year I had to make sure I balanced my writing life with work, fun, friends and family instead of school. That’s another major change. I’m finished with school and moving into the next stage of my career path outside of writing. You’ll see that reflected in some of my posts.

And I plan on being more accountable, to myself and my goals. You’ll see that more too. I’m going to update my projects page so that what I want to do is out there in black and white.

I also plan on interacting more online. I know I slacked off a bit. But that’s another part of the balance – writing, writing life, life, work, family/friends and everything else.

You know the “rocks, pebbles, sand and water” time management & priorities analogy? I used that too evaluate my goals this years to make sure they were (there’s that word again) balanced. I’ll post some of my goals tomorrow (for accountability) of what projects and goals I want (plan to) accomplish in January. Then I’ll re-evaluate at the end of the month and discuss the hits, misses, deferred and removed.

Did you set goals for 2012? Or make any resolutions? Or targets? Or whatever you choose to call/name them?