What I’m Tweeting About

11:07 How’s things going? How’s your goals? Good luck. Today is my free day. Studying right now for the midterm. Making up flashcards. #acgoals #Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

What I’m Tweeting About

21:18 I have said "that’s an ugly dress" or "that dress is not flattering" a few too many times today # 21:20 Ditto. RT @angelajames: John Hughes had some of the most iconic, amazing movies of my childhood. Thank you, John. #oscars # 21:23 I...

What I’m Tweeting About

10:33 @CandaceHavens – My dog does that too. # 11:49 RT @inkyelbows: Don’t stop working on a manuscript too soon. Give it time. – @DeeScribe: bit.ly/btUPYo # 13:27 Goals done for day. Goals also up. Plus I’m mama bear this week. So will be checking...

What I’m Tweeting About

16:19 Still struggling with this balance thing. Balancing school work and writing. #acgoals. # 18:09 @KimberlyFarris – Thanks. Some days are better than others. Still tweaking my out of school schedule. #acgoals #Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter