What I’m Tweeting About

23:28 Had 2 new ideas today. Gonna get the basic details down. # 02:37 RT @WritingSpirit: RT @AbsoluteWrite AMEN! RT@charnanigans "Let’s eat Grandma!" vs "Let’s eat, Grandma!" — Punctuation is important. # 10:45 Reaction to crit...

January Read Stats

Okay so I’ve been keeping track of the books I’ve read in January. I have a spreadsheet I use with a bunch of neat stats and graphs that helps me keep track of my reads for the year. I read eight books in January and this is the breakdown. Publishers...

What I’m Tweeting About

21:48 Story been editing for past 5.5 weeks is done. Will let it sit for two weeks . Then do final edit pass & read thru b4 I start sub process. # 12:16 RT @inkyelbows: 10 excellent tips about the agent query process, from @ChuckSambuchino bit.ly/abvyEF...

Oscar Nominations

I am a big movie fan. I’ve studied them and taken classes in screenwriting and film techniques. At one point, I wanted to be a filmmaker. Or do documentaries. So that’s a bit of background on why I studied them and analyzed the film techniques and movies....

What I’m Tweeting About

18:15 Aunt just called. Getting take out for dinner. So will be eating chinese takeout from my fave spot and watching the grammy’s later. # 18:16 @briaquinlan – I saw that. Been watching the debate/dialogue/comments from both sides. # 18:18 Momma just...