How I Write – Guilty Pleasures

The subject: Name a guilty pleasure – one that is writing related and one in real life Writing Guilty Pleasures One of my biggest guilty pleasures when it comes to writing is world building, synopsis and emotions. I like writing character emotions. Delving in...

Guilty Pleasure – Soap Operas

I have a confession. I watch soap operas. I have since I was a child. And it’s ABC soaps. Though I have dabbled with CBS and NBC. I keep coming back to ABC. My favorite – General Hospital. It’s probably one of the only ones that I haven’t...

Guilty Pleasures

Do you have a guilty pleasure? Is there a show you must watch? And you even TIVO it to make sure you don’t miss an episode. Or maybe a singer you don’t want to admit you like? Or a song you shouldn’t know all the words too? Or a game you love to...